Source code for aerios.airport

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom import minidom
import os
from copy import deepcopy
import pkgutil
my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
airports_file_location = os.path.join(my_path, "data/airports.xml")
[docs]class Airport(object): """ Airport constructor. :param string iata_airport_code: The three character Internatioanl Air Transport Association (IATA) code assigned to a given airport. **Sample constructor initialisations**:: import aerios as ae # Create an instance of the Airport class for Doha airport. myairport = Airport('DOH') """ def __init__(self, iata_airport_code): self.iata_airport_code = iata_airport_code self._get_airport_data() def _get_airport_data(self): """ Retrieves the entire airport data set. """ tree = ET.parse(airports_file_location) root = tree.getroot() data = ET.Element('data') port = root.findall(".//airport[@iata='"+str(self.iata_airport_code)+"']") self.lattitude = float(port[0].get('lat_dec')) self.longitude = float(port[0].get('lon_dec')) self.altitude = float(port[0].get('alt')) = str(port[0].get('city')) = str(port[0].get('country')) self.airport_name = str(port[0].get('name'))