Source code for aerios.airplane
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.dom import minidom
import os
from copy import deepcopy
import pkgutil
my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
airplanes_file_location = os.path.join(my_path, "data/airplanes.xml")
[docs]class Airplane(object):
Airplane constructor.
:param string airplane: This can be the type of the aircraft, i.e., ``boeing 747-400``, or ``airbus a380`` or its registration i.e., ``A6-EDB``. Typically, aircraft types will have the manufacturer's name first followed by a space and then the type of aircraft.
**Sample constructor initialisations**::
import aerios as ae
# Create an instance of the Airplane class for a boeing-747
myairplane = Airplane('boeing-747')
# Create an instances of the Airpane class for an aircraft with registration A6-EDB
myairplane = Airplane('A6-EDB')
def __init__(self, airplane):
self.airplane = airplane
def _get_airline_data(self):
Retrieves airline data.
tree = ET.parse(airplanes_file_location)
root = tree.getroot()
airline = root.findall(".//airplane[@type='"+str(self.airplane)+"']")
if not airline:
airline_again = root.findall(".//airplane[@registration='"+str(self.airplane)+"']")
if not airline_again:
raise(ValueError, 'Incorrect input for airplane.')
airline = airline_again
self.engine_id = airline[0].get('engine_id')
self.registration = airline[0].get('registration')
self.type = airline[0].get('type')
self.status = airline[0].get('status')
self.number_of_engines = airline[0].get('engine_number')
self.first_flight = airline[0].get('first_flight')
self.airline = airline[0].get('airline')